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  • Inversion of Control through Compound Components

    If you're interested in learning about Inversion of Control through Compound Components in software design, then this talk is perfect for you! By using React.js as an example, Dave will show you how to create scalable and maintainable components (for design systems) that cater to various requirements the developers who use them have. Additionally, he'll discuss the challenges of building components that meet the needs of many developers and demonstrate how this technique can help you build sustainable components that stand the test of time. Throughout the talk, you'll gain practical advice and real-world examples for implementing Inversion of Control and Compound Components in your own projects, as well as a better understanding of how these concepts can benefit building better software.

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    avatar Dave Bitter

    Dave Bitter

    Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

  • Looking beyond the PWA

    Bavo will take you on a short journey looking beyond the PWA. Going in-depth into the commerce landscape of the future. How the concepts of headless and API-first are rooted far deeper in digital mature organizations as you might think.

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    avatar Bavo Janss

    Bavo Janss

    Tech Lead Commerce Eindhoven

  • Microfrontends: The Controversy

    What is the purpose of micro frontends compared to microservices? What are the different tools available, and why don't they offer what microservices provide on the backend? Here is an alternative that provides this based on basic web principles.

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    avatar Albert Groothedde

    Albert Groothedde

    Software Engineer & Developer Advocate

  • NearlyJS Parser

    Jurgen Beliën previously used NearlyJS to write an interface for a quantum computer. In this talk he explains how a parser works and how you can use it to write your own language or parse short strings (e.g. convert "3h 10m" to something your code can understand).

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    avatar Jurgen Beliën

    Jurgen Beliën

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • On-the-Fly Machine Learning in the Browser with TensorFlow.js

    TensorFlow.js makes machine learning incredibly accessible by bringing it to the browser. Front-end developers can use this to create amazing applications. In this talk, we’ll take a look at TensorFlow.js in combination with MobileNet, a lightweight deep neural network computer vision model perfect for the “low-powered” devices browsers often run on, bringing machine learning capabilities to everybody. We’ll not just have a look at how you can make this work, but will even train the dataset on the fly using transfer learning.

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    avatar Dave Bitter

    Dave Bitter

    Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

  • One Web Component a day keeps the docter away

    Use stuff that you can reuse and build stuff that other people can reuse

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    avatar Lucien Immink

    Lucien Immink

    Software Architect & Developer Advocate

  • Package Backstab

    In this informal 15 minute talk we follow the investigation of a cachebusting issue in IFFR that ends up being a nasty bug in Next.js.

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    avatar Jori Regter

    Jori Regter

    Technical Lead & Developer

  • Pipe it, Curry it, tacit

    Abbe Keultjes is a big fan of functional programming. In this talk he explains step by step how to refactor some code to become functional.

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    avatar Abbe Keultjes

    Abbe Keultjes

    Developer Advocate & Frontend Developer

  • Project Fugu

    Cross platform development is hard. Each platform as it's own implementation of an API and you end up with separate apps for each platform. Multiple frameworks try to fix this issue by creating an abstract between the platform and the application. Browser vendors are doing the same and it's called Project Fugu. In this talk I explain what it is and what it isn't.

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    avatar Lucien Immink

    Lucien Immink

    Software Architect & Developer Advocate

  • React Server Components

    React Server Components is an experimental feature being developed by the React team at Facebook. It aims to allow developers to build components that can be rendered on the server and sent over the network to be hydrated on the client side. This approach is different from traditional client-side rendering, where the entire component tree is sent to the client and rendered there. The motivation behind React Server Components is to improve the performance of server-side rendering (SSR) by reducing the amount of JavaScript that needs to be sent to the client. With React Server Components, only the necessary components and data are transmitted, resulting in smaller and faster initial page loads.

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    avatar Jafar Rezaei

    Jafar Rezaei

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • Remix party, you're invited!

    Remix is a great framework to build robust, progressively enhanced and interactive web apps! Dave will take you on a fun journey on how he created a multi-user and real-time progressive web app. But be aware, there is a guest list and not every solution is invited to join the party!

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    avatar Dave Bitter

    Dave Bitter

    Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

  • Sitecore Content Hub

    An in-depth showcase of the capabilities of the Content Hub DAM, ranging from a users perspective to developer integrations.

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    avatar Rob Habraken

    Rob Habraken

    Technology Director

  • Solid JS

    Every developer cares about their app’s performance on a daily basis. What if I told you that by choosing the right framework, you can have excellent performance out of the box? Plus, simplicity to learn and mind-blowing features! Let’s take a quick glance at Solid.js together.

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    avatar Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • Stuff 4.0

    How the 4th industrial revolution impacts e-commerce

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    avatar Bavo Janss

    Bavo Janss

    Tech Lead Commerce Eindhoven

  • The future of UI is "open"

    When dealing with more advanced UI elements there are a lot of things that go wrong. They impact performance, accessibility and have the tendency to create frustrations along the way. In this talk, I will be introducing you to the W3C community around Open UI, while also taking a little detour with the Anchoring API. By combining these future specs we'll take a peek at the future of styling custom UI by only using HTML and CSS, giving you less frustration, performance boosts and basic accessibility out of the box.

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  • The rise of AI-powered Voice Interfaces (on the web)

    Discover the exciting potential of Voice User Interfaces on the web, now enhanced with AI. Join me as we explore features and learn how to create your own Jarvis (or KIT for the older crowd)! We'll revisit some cool web APIs, mix them with AI, and make an awesome Voice experience! How can I improve the way someone interacts with ChatGPT? How can I make it feel more natural than a dreadful “chatbot”? Can I create something cool? Those were some of the questions I asked myself recently while building an AI-powered chat interface. I’ll take you through what I build, how, and most importantly, why.

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    avatar Dave Bitter

    Dave Bitter

    Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

  • Transforming JS & TS codebases with Typescript compiler and ASTs

    Have you ever wanted to make a big change to the codebase but got scared off by the thought of rebasing, applying all your changes again and again… and again? Fear no longer!

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    avatar Albert Groothedde

    Albert Groothedde

    Software Engineer & Developer Advocate

  • Why LIT is 🔥

    Every day a new JavaScript library is born, every week a new framework arrives and every month a front-end developer needs to rewrite a date picker 😢 LIT is a modern library for creating component libraries, design systems but also sites and apps. LIT components are web components and as such work anywhere you use HTML.

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    avatar Lucien Immink

    Lucien Immink

    Software Architect & Developer Advocate

  • You shall not password

    A password is, in fact, nothing more or less than a secret. Yet, still millions of users prefer to protect their accounts by sharing those secrets with the internet. If you start sharing your secret, can it still be considered a secret? Mark will take you through a multitude of security measures that don’t rely on the use of passwords. Let’s amp up security and hold on to simplicity. Welcome to the age of passwordless authentication.

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    avatar Mark van der Linden

    Mark van der Linden

    Software Architect & Developer Advocate

  • Generative AI: An anything-to-anything translation device

    Why is there an AI explosion all of the sudden? Didn't AI exists for ages? Why is everyone talking about it now? What is the difference between classical AI and generative AI? This talk is about how you should see Large Language Models or Generative AI to make it as productive as possible. And I will drive that point to its technical limits.

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    avatar Vince Liem

    Vince Liem

    Senior Frontend Consultant & AI expert

  • Building a synthesizer using Web API's

    In this talk Jurgen will show you how to build a synthesizer by just using web api's.

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    avatar Jurgen Beliën

    Jurgen Beliën

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • Cloud for front-end

    Do you have acces to you live environment? Unsure of what is deployed? Ever ran out of cpu power or memory? In this talk Lucien Immink will help you out by asking another question: "Should you care?"

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    avatar Lucien Immink

    Lucien Immink

    Software Architect & Developer Advocate

  • CSS got more exciting!

    Last year was an exciting time for CSS as several amazing features were shipped to the browser in the CSS world. These features have unlocked a whole new realm of possibilities for web designers and developers. From advanced layout techniques to complex animations, there is now so much more that can be achieved with CSS. Staying up-to-date with these cool features is essential for any web designer or developer who wants to push the boundaries of their creativity. By learning from these new features, you can unleash your inner artist and take your next project to the next level. So, make sure to stay tuned to the latest developments in the world of CSS and keep pushing yourself to explore new and exciting possibilities!

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    avatar Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Mohamad Shiralizadeh

    Senior Frontend Developer

  • How to supercharge customer experience with GPT-3 AI

    GPT-3 is a powerful artificial intelligence tool that understands natural language. You can create surprisingly customised personalised landing pages for each visitor. With the right data, you can use GPT-3 to make customer experience improvements on your website or web application. In this talk, which is created by GPT-3, I will show you how your websites can be personalized to your visitors by passing user meta data to GPT-3 and get recommendations.

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    avatar Vince Liem

    Vince Liem

    Senior Frontend Consultant & AI expert

  • Empowering Communities with Discord & Umbraco

    Learn how to utilize the Discord API to create Umbraco powered Discord moderation tools, custom commands, various notifications, and two-way communication between Umbraco & Discord!

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    avatar Corné Hoskam

    Corné Hoskam

    Software Engineer & Umbraco Domain Lead

  • The File System Access API: Unlocking New Possibilities for Web Developers

    Are you ready to level up your web development skills? Project Fugu is here to help! Join me at my talk to discover the power of the File System Access API, a game-changing feature that allows web applications to access local files like native apps. Imagine the possibilities of creating powerful web applications that can access and manipulate local files like never before. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to leverage this powerful feature and create cutting-edge web apps that help users worldwide. See you there!

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    avatar Dave Bitter

    Dave Bitter

    Google Developer Expert Web & Developer Advocate

  • Going Headless with MVC

    Design your Umbraco solution so you can prepare yourself for headless while still using server-side rendering and common MVC patterns. In this presentation I'll be talking about software design and what it means to go "Headless" with Umbraco.

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    avatar Roy Berris

    Roy Berris

    Back-end Developer

  • I can has() timeline UI?

    In this fast-paced presentation packed with demos, We will be taking a bit of a deeper dive into the has() relational pseudo class, moving on to animating things based on scroll with animation-timeline and finally ending with a short introduction on Open-ui and the anchoring API.

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    avatar Brecht De Ruyte

    Brecht De Ruyte

    Frontend Developer / DevRel

  • Introduction to Astro

    Astro is a new kind of static site builder. Astro combines decades of proven performance best practices with the DX improvements of the component-oriented era. Use your favorite JavaScript framework and automatically ship the bare-minimum amount of JavaScript—by default.

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    avatar Ayo Ayco

    Ayo Ayco

    Senior Frontend Developer
